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 Subject :He shakes it off.. 05.12.2014 - 04:35:26 
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it's MASSIVE TALONS. O'Connell HACKS away at it. Jonathan
stares at the inscription, slightly oblivious.
It's an Anck symbol, with two
little squiggly lines above it,
and a bird, a stork! on either side,
Evelyn is Ugg boots sale being STRANGLED by Anck-su-namun,
-Ah! Ah! Ahmenophus!
Yes, ...I see.
The talons lift O'Connell up womens tall UGGS on sale and start to CRUSH him.
Hootash im Ahmenophus!
The giant statue of Anubis instantly freezes in it's tracks
and PETRIFIES. It's off balance. Starts to fall. O'Connell
slides free of it's talons. Evelyn SHOVES Anck-su-namun away,
Anck-su-namun looks up and opens her fetid mouth to scream
just as Anubis CRASHES DOWN on UGG Boots Clearance for women top of her, SMASHING HER to
powder and DRIVING her into the ground.
Imhotep SHRIEKS in rage and horror, then turns and angrily
heads for Jonathan. Jonathan, sitting on UGG boots outlet online his ass, quickly
backpedals on his hands and heels.
O'Connell leaps to his feet, sword in hand and runs for
Imhotep. Imhotep grabs Jonathan, lifts him up, rips the
golden Book Of The Living out of his hand and pins him to a
O'Connell runs up UGG boots outlet store and swings his sword at Imhotep, --WAP!
SLICES Imhotep's 'right arm off. It drops to the ground, still
clutching The Book Of The Living. Imhotep drops Jonathan and
spins around, facing O'Connell. O'Connell grins.
Okay pal, let's see how tough
you are without your right arm.
Imhotep grabs O'Connell with his left arm and THROWS him half
way across the cemetery. O'Connell SLAMS into a gravestone,
bounces off and crashes to the ground. He shakes it off.

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