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 Subject : about their prospects in the fall.. 13.12.2014 - 04:52:00 
Joined: 17.07.2024 - 18:34:54
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The only dramatic moment of the primary came when I was out of state again. While I was in Ugg boots on sale Washington presenting the report of the Delta Development Commission to Congress, McRae called a press conference at the state Capitol to criticize my record. He thought he would have the Arkansas press all to himself. Hillary thought otherwise. When I called her the night before, she said she thought she might show up at the conference. McRae had a cardboard likeness Uggs clearance of me by his side. He attacked me for being absent from the state, implied that I had refused to debate him, and began to criticize my record by posing questions for me and supplying the answers himself.

In the middle of McRaes routine, Hillary stepped out of the crowd and interrupted him. She womens UGG boots said Tom knew I was in Washington promoting the Delta commissions recommendations, which would help Arkansas. She then produced a prepared summary of several years of Rockefeller Foundation reports praising my work as governor. She said that he had been right in the reports, and that Arkansas should be proud: Weve made more progress than any other state except South womens UGG boots sale Carolina, and were right up there with them.

It was unheard of for a candidates wife, much less the first lady, to confront an opponent like that. Some people criticized Hillary for it, but most people knew she had earned the right to defend womens UGG boots clearance the work we had done together for years, and it broke McRaes momentum. When I got home, I lit into him for his attacks and went after his economic development strategy, saying he wanted to build a wall around Arkansas. I won the election with 55 percent of the vote over McRae and several other challengers, but Tom had run a smart campaign on a shoestring budget, and had done well enough to encourage the Republicans about their prospects in the fall.

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